New Years Resolutions and all that stuff...


So, it’s that time of year. The time of year where all the staff Xmas parties are happening, people are going on summer holidays, crazy family do’s are happening, and everyone is resetting themselves for the new year. The new year is always going to be bigger and better.
‘And this year, my new year's resolution is to...’

And how many times does it work out? Hmm. I’ve given up on new years resolutions, and instead, try and commit to an action plan that leads to goals. Goals that may not even be for realising in the coming year. Like being paid to travel - not just one or two work trips a year but holiday with the family type travel. That is a long term goal that requires lots of rungs in the ladder to reach. It’s a long ladder, but it’s one I’m prepared to climb.

Anyway, with these goals and resolutions comes all the recommendations on how to set yourself up, ready and refreshed to achieve. 

Take time out.
Be grateful.
Spend time alone to be with your thoughts.
Work out what you want, not what others want from you.
Set goals. 
Stop working and spend quality time with family and loved ones. 

Oooh, that last one is a hard one for me. Sure, I stop working on Xmas day and while we are on actual holidays. But to stop working, and just relax around the home. I don’t know how. I know how to waste time procrastinating. But I want to know how to take time out properly. I mean, that is why I am here working in Victor Harbor Library while my kids are playing with their cousin at my mum's five days before Xmas. 

I love my work, but I can’t let it saturate my life. I need a switch that I can turn, either down or off. Or to up the ante when I’m in procrastination mode. I’m sure that many people can agree with me - especially if you are working for yourself. That is why we are working for ourselves - we are passionate. But we have to learn to work smart - well I do. Smart, efficient and effective.

So, having said all that here is my ‘to do’ list for the end of year reflections... 

Take time to reflect on my wins and write them down.

Work out what I want for the coming year then schedule them out. I have created a monthly calendar on a photo frame for 2017, on which I will write my timeline. This will live on my desk so I can see it consistently.

Relax and take days off to just be. Have fun with family, be with my thoughts, do stuff for myself. 


What are you going to be doing to get ready for 2017?

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