On a plus side to travelling with kids...

Phuket restaurant I have been compiling a top 100 list about travelling with children for an eBook recently. Let me share one with you...

Tip: bless 'em.

Going on holiday doesn't stop the tantrums, the dirty nappies, the naps, the getting up in the middle of the night, the need to go to playgrounds. It does stop late night jaunts, long lazy meals, relaxing with a book, and lazing in the bed every morning before ambling to a mid morning breakfast.

It closes a number of doors, but where one door closes, another opens. Literally.


You are invited in to families homes, people stop and chat, the children encourage conversation, you are looked after, and above all... you learn and experience more. You get out to the where the locals hang, venture to new frontiers (heck, go out the back gate!), meet many people in one day, and see a different way of life to your own back home. Whether you are travelling in your own state, or across the other side of the world.

In Phuket we were welcomed into a villagers home for the night. A woman on moped asked only families to come in. We were fed, offered a place on their lounge floor, and taken care of while a tsunami warning played out down below. Going up, locals even carried (yes, carried) our strollers up the hill in sections for us. Helping to get us away from the impending tsunami even faster. Thankfully, it never came, but we were safe indeed with locals.

In Bali we played on the beach and grass with local kids. None - adults or children - could verbally communicate with each other but so much fun was had.

Here in South Australia, we are constantly chatting to locals, finding the best coffee, playgrounds and places to go.

Have kids, will travel. Use it to your advantage to get more adventure and fun into your holiday. Get curious, and have it sated.

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