Suburban Taxis - finding my work.

I hardly ever look for my photos being used and only see them by chance when I drive past somewhere or open up a magazine. I really should check out how my photos are being used more often. Not only to see my clients vision but for feedback and improvement on my imagery and offering. 

Earlier this year I worked with Suburban Taxis on updating their website and branding. While looking through my photo catalogue of images, I found Suburbans folder. It got me thinking if they had updated their website or not. So I checked. 

Here is what I found... all my images being used. It looks good - even if I would re-retouch some of the images now. I guess that is a good sign of growth though - looking at older photos and seeing what you would change. How much could I grow if I still loved every photo I have taken? I wouldn't strive. I wouldn't get better. I would lose my business. I'd lose my life I love. 

I suppose this works for everyone. Continue to strive, continue to improve. Every single day. What doesn't grow, dies. 

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