Summer holidays...

When I booked an island holiday in Queensland, I just presumed it would be sunny and warm. After all, it was going to be October. And coming from Adelaide, even mid-twenties would be a treat.

So, grey skies, rain and 18 degrees was a bit of a shock. So much for the summer holiday to Tangalooma Resort on Moreton Island. Where are my relaxing afternoons lazing on the beach after touring around? Instead, we are scrambling around for umbrellas and ponchos and venturing about the resort when the rain subsides a little. We don't even get to see outside of the resort. Something that annoys me - I love to know where I am and go discovering when somewhere new.

But, we adapt. We grab the umbrellas and ponchos and wander. Ashton wades through puddles. Belle cartwheels across the lawn. They both build a fort with their umbrellas on the beach. They even get me in the pool once. Brr.

Reception has board games, we play a few games of pool, and visit the marine centre where we learn about marine life. I am shocked at how dolphins and sharks have been slaughtered. I never knew that sharks were caught for their fin and then chucked back in the sea to die.

I'd definitely like to re-visit with the sun and warm weather. Moreton Island looks magical, and the resort itself is a little haven of relaxation and chill.

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