Riding 500km in 5 days - am I crazy?

Have you ever done a charity challenge? Where you fundraise for the charity and then go off on a challenging trip that tests yourself? Sometimes getting to see first hand where and how your fundraising efforts are being used.

I've always wanted to, but never created the opportunity until now. heidi who photos has joined forces with The Family Law Project and together we are riding with another 70 odd riders through Thailand in April.

About what I'm doing...

I'm going to ride 500km in 5 days through Thailand to raise money for the New Life project in Kanchanaburi, located near the Thai-Burma border in western Thailand. More than 50 children call Kanchanaburi home.

Children at Kanchanaburi have come from difficult situations: sexual abuse, substance addictions, or they have no family to care for them. Others have been used as exploited labour.

I need to fundraise $5,000: 100% of donations go directly to the children in Thailand. It's a lot but I believe I can get more!

How you can help:

I am creating an online auction... but need some prizes! Anything would be helpful. If you could donate something, please reply and let me know what you can commit to by Wednesday 23rd January 2019. The auction will go live towards the end of January, when everyone is recovered from the summer holidays. :)

And in return (apart from the feel-good factor of helping me raise this money for the kids) I will smother your logo/tag name all over everything in the promo for it. I'll also mention on social media and in a blog post that goes out to an email list of nearly 1000.

I can also give you a hug. Who doesn't love a hug?

So you know who I'm riding with - here's a bit about Hands Group...

"Hands Group is an Australian, New Zealand and Thai social enterprise that gives at-risk Thai children and their communities a helping hand through our charity Hands Across The Water. Our charity Hands Across The Water is currently the biggest Australian and New Zealand charity operating in Thailand. Our projects are tailored to meet local communities’ needs – for the long term. As part of our fundraising, we provide shared experiences for our supporters to engage in our work."

Of course, if this is something you can't do... then any donation would be greatly appreciated. Here is my profile page for the bike ride where you can donate. Click on the image below.


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