
Coffee Saviour...

Coffee Saviour...

Geelong grind. The smoke haze lingers low. It's warm, but looks cold and wintery. Time to re-jig with a coffee. I see a sign leading up an office block staircase. I pitter patter off. And am kicked into place with a caffeine hit that goes down way too quickly.

Flemington hang-out I'm an hour too early for a job. I turn the corner in search of a cafe. The sun peeks through the clouds and shines my attention on Mama Bear. Ah, I love this place; thank you.

I love finding cool places via wandering while on my travels.

Melbourne - the city of laneways and a shot of coffee.

Melbourne-4239 Melbourne-4316 Melbourne-4288 Laneways. The back end of town.

Not normally the most elegant or tourist worthy part of town. But there are exceptions. Take Melbourne for example. Cafe lanes, bar lanes and artworked lanes litter the city. Litter that is shutterworthy for the International tourist. A photographer looks at it different though. Although we love to sit and have coffee we also see character, life and intrigue in the empty or littered lanes that everyone scurries past.

While most people are looking that way, we look this way. Look up and look down.

TIP * When going for a walk with your camera, don't forget to take a look behind you. Things can look different from another angle. Light, shape, form. Even people continuing with their lives, thinking you have passed. Click. Moment captured.

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