Sir Bob Geldof

Who wants to see Sir Bob Geldof in Adelaide?

Sir Bob Geldof is going to be in Adelaide, speaking and motivating a room full of people at the Hilton, on Wednesday 25th March 2015. It's early, but so worth it. 7-9am. Start your day off right.

Imagine being in the same room as the brains behind Live 8, which brought in over $45 billion of aid and debt cancellation to Africa… and someone who has been nominated for the Noble Prize 8 times, more than anyone else...

At a Business Chicks breakfast you can network with other energetic people, eat yummy-licious food, be inspired by ultra successful people, and dance out with a fab goodie bag. These tickets usually sell for $149 each.

Who wants to be there for free? I am giving away two tickets - so one lucky person can bring a friend for free too. 

Get motivated, get inspired, get pumped.

How do you get the tickets? Comment below with your fave inspirational quote. You have until Wednesday 18th March - get inspired peeps!!

P.S. Subscribe to my blog so you won't miss the next giveaway either. :)


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