bucket list

I've got a few more to do... but I'm on my way.

I've got a few more to do... but I'm on my way.

Santorini sunset - tick.

Hiking the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu - tick.

Hot air ballooning over Cappadocia - tick.

Canals in Venice - tick. But not in a gondola.

What next? Well, if plans play out correct, an overwater bungalow stay for Ben and I in 2015. But they are all on my bucket list. Except for the Taj Mahal - I'm scared of a 'curse' on the family if we go to India.

International Traveller's Top 100 List


One of my favourite magazines, International Traveller, has released their list of top 100 hotels and resorts. It's so exciting to go through, adding places to my bucket list, and seeing where I may have already been. Doing a lot of my travel as a budget traveller when I was younger, as we call a 'backpacker', I can't tick many off my list. Actually, none. Not physically anyway. I've considered a couple of them for recent trips, and now, perhaps am kicking myself. 

Have you been to any on the list?

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