
The beach - my calm during Covid-19

Told to stay at home, not see friends, work cancelled... being the people person I am, I'd understand if I struggled a little. Or a lot. But one thing kept me aligned during Covid-19. And that is my daily visit to the beach. The place I call my soul home. Where I get fixed.

I always feel refreshed and clear after being at the beach. Surfing, walking, sitting, swimming - it doesn't matter. Saltwater, sea air, sand between the toes, the sound of waves crashing. Preferably with a dose of sunshine.

During Covid-19 'stay at home' time, I went to the beach every day. Mainly walking, some surfing and no swimming. It's cold in April!

I walked a lot and started to look at things closer. The colours, the atmosphere, the patterns, the way things changed each day. The way the sand and rocks change as the tide comes in and out. The objects that are left stranded on the beach. And the evidence of other people reaching for their respite.

I'd return home with a clear mind - ready to tackle my day. Not sitting on the sofa getting bored but working on my business, myself and being the best I can be.

Looking Differently Photography Tip

We are taught to walk forward, watching where we go, eyes up, and standing confident. But some times, the best photos can not be found this way. A photographer needs to be curious. Here are a few tips to consider when you pick up the camera (or iPhone) next.

Look around you.

Get down on the ground - like a childs view.

Turn around when walking, and see what it looks like. You will be surprised at how different the view can look.

Look up.

Look at the details - go up close and get the bubbles, the signage, the food, the beautiful colour of the flower.

You don't always need a face in the photo to tell the story. Hands, feet, even a whole body with head cropped. 

Reflections can be interesting.

Windows and mirrors - use them. So many stories to be told - infront of you and behind you in the one image.

I love to sit and watch the world go by. In the image above, I was at a cafe in Mount Gambier SA, working on the laptop, but needing an 'eye strain' break. I can't last, even for an hour, on the computer without breaks. I'd been watching people come and go, conversations through the window, laughter, waitresses keeping everyone happy - and wanted to capture the hive of activity. Cafes can be a hive of activity.

I entered this photography in the AIPP Awards (Australian Institue of Professional Photography) and gained a Silver at State level. I love that you can see me (normally a pro no-no) and the outside world, but also have the dialogue of legs sitting at the window.

I wonder what they were talking about? Did they indulge in a pastry? Who knows.

We can make our own ending.

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